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"Life is a song, Love is the music"


A crisp morning indeed. All is well in Mulberry Alley, and Marley is awake for her morning jump-start routine. Flying from branch to branch she shows no fear as the child-like excitement shines like the brilliant sunrise behind her. She is ready for the day ahead.


Preparing for winter is no easy task. She must fine-tune her weaving skills and brush up on her building abilities.

"I am a champion, and your gonna hear me roar," she hears Katie Perry sing as she brings back a load of sticks and twigs to start the foundation of what will soon be her winter abode.

She very carefully chose the unpopulated prairie, nestled quietly in the overlapping branches of the mighty Birch and the fruit-filled Serviceberry. The food supply here is never-ending and the neighbors are the most delightful people you could imagine.  "God Bless those beautiful people," she thought, as she scurried on her way to make use of the beautiful day. The weather is turning cold and her shack must be shipshape before the Northern chill comes in.


...Sending love to Marley on this brisk autumn morning...


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