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Down in the valley, valley so low, late in the evening, hear the train blow. 


Marley had been to visit her friend Zaily May in the city, and on the way home, she somehow lost her way. She noticed a tall wooden log and thought it was a tree, but when she got to the top, she realized it was most certainly not. 


"What is this thing?!" she hollered as she trudged around gobs and messes of wires that were all bunched up in tangles.  "This is not a tree! This looks more like an amusement park for a tightrope walker. I must be down the hill at the circus.  I wonder if the elephant is giving rides today? How will I ever find my way home?"  She had left her navigational devices in her nest and was on foreign grounds.


The good thing about being up on the unknown tree species (a.k.a. a telephone pole) was that she had a good view of the world below.  She looked west and saw the sun at about the 5:00 dinner time position. She licked her pointer finger and held it up to see which way the wind was blowing. She looked north and saw the towering field of sunflowers off in the distance.  “That is the way home! And by the position of the sun, I had better get going!  The day will be turning to dusk and I will be traveling in the dark.” 

She scurried down the pole and hit the ground running. She wished she had remembered to pack a water bottle due to the amount of thirst all this running was creating. Fortunately, as she inched closer to home, she stumbled upon a watering hole.  “Thank you universe for answering my prayers,” she thought, as she chugged down the freshest water she had ever tasted. “This is like a diamond in the rough,” thought Marley. 


It was the most enchanting pool of water, with some snacks scattered on the ground for extra fuel.  She also noticed a resting rock with some sort of ancient writing on it.

“I wonder what it says,” thought Marley as she sat down on it to nibble a few seeds she had gathered from around the watering hole.


Now that she was closer to home, and felt safe in the magical garden she had discovered, she had time to think about her journey. 


She realized that if she could untangle the wires that had filled her with fear, and make her way to the ever-enchanting world in which she was now surrounded by, well then she could do most anything.


And so she grew a little that day.


I once was lost, but now I'm found.

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