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As the sun played peek-a-boo from the other side of the horizon, Marley jumped out of bed with a gitty-up and go. "Life is a mystery," she thought as she watched the intensely beautiful sun, rise up and out of the forest, looking like an orange ball of fire.  It lit up the house through the window on the east and woke up the bird.


She heard the chirping of Heather the Feather from the other room and knew it was time for their morning seed hunt. 

"I hear you call my name," she sang back to Heather.  The two set off, down the birch trunk and across the babbling brook. "It feels like home," thought Marley.


As they went flying from one tree to the next, through the willow patch along the river, Heather felt like flying. She closed her eyes, and then thought, "Oh God I think I'm falling... out of the sky... I close my eyes".  "Heaven help me," she whispered softly.  When she opened her eyes, she saw the most interesting emerald ball in front of her.  She quickly landed on two feet and called up to Marley Ina Tree.


"When you call my name, it's like a little prayer", Marley informed Heather when she got to the ground. 


"It's like a dream!"  She exclaimed when she saw the pink and green melon sitting in front of them.  "I've tried these before, these seeds are the sweetest things I have ever tasted! Let the choir sing!" she shouted. 


"Just like a dream, you are not what you seem," stated Heather.  "This melon is the product of your thoughts. You're in control,  just like a child," she felt the need to give a spiritual lesson here at this magical spot. 

"It's like a dream, no end, and no beginning," she continued.  


Just then Marley spoke up and announced, "just like a muse to me, you are a mystery." 




Like a child

Now I'm dancing





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