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The Great Egret

We were introduced to this incredible bird at a park we like to visit. At first we were told it was a crane and then found that it was an EGRET! What the heck? I had to do some research to find out what an egret was all about.

Then I saw this at the museum! Egret Egg!

( 2-3 eggs hatch after 30 day gestation period. Chicks are aggressive with each other)

Make an Egret

Egrets make great partners for larger "cattle" animals, and some have the name "Cattle Egrets". They ride around on the backs of larger animals like hippos and elephants. The Egret makes a noise to warn the cattle of danger, and then the cattle kicks up bugs for the egret to eat.

What great teamwork!

The Egret's long stick legs help them wade around in the wetlands.

A member of the heron family.

"Egrets and Hippos"

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