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North South East West

Which way are you headed?

Good question.

We have been working on our directions.

Right and left don’t work to well when you spin in circles.

Discuss the Street names that have a direction added to it.

Watch the sun rise in the East and set in the West.

Find landmarks that are easy to spot, and know which direction you live from it.

Watch the planes at the airport and discuss which way the are flying out or coming in.

There are lots of ways to incorporate direction into your day.

Have Fun!

Make your own compass!

In this great book

We found a 'make your own compass' activity.

You will need a:

Strong Magnet


Cork or Styrofoam



Stroke the needle with the magnet from one end to the other 50+ times, Always in the same direction.

The needle should be able to pick up another needle when it has become magnetized.

Tape the needle to the cork and place in the water.

It should turn itself to face North- South.

Make the needle dance with the magnet

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