Let's Talk About BEETS Baby
Trying new {WHOLE} foods is an adventure. Sometimes they are DELICIOUS - and sometimes, eeh, not so much.
But can we learn to LOVE them.??
I think so.
Our taste buds are very trainable.
We have been working on loving beets. This "root vegetable" is incredibly beautiful. So if you can't bring yourself to put one in your mouth just grab one to cut in half and look at. The color is a BRILLIANT RED and the pattern is mesmerizing.
Throwing some in a smoothie is a great way to eat a beet without that bold earthy taste. You could add more and more over time to gradually learn to like the taste.
~Don't forget to put those green leave on top in to the smoothie as well.

What do you want to know about beets:
~ The entire plant is edible.
~ "Back in the day" they were used for treating headaches and toothaches
~ Include folate, vitamin A and K, Fiber, manganese, copper, and potassium
Their color tells us they are FULL of antioxidants
Antioxidant: Nutrients~ Vitamins & minerals that rid your body of oxidation before it causes Dis-ease.
[Antioxidants give one of their electrons to a damaged atom before it causes harm to your body.]
This is getting a little deep, but a great opportunity to introduce these words.
Children's Books:
My First Science Textbook ~ Mary Wessinger
Ferment some beets and talk about the bacteria that live within you.

Coloring sheets