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After a great story time at the library on teeth,

we went home and took it a step further.

Learn the in-depth working of the "oral cavity", a.k.a. mouth.

What are teeth all about? Isn't it interesting that we get two sets of teeth? Some animals have teeth that never stop growing. A shark has a never ending supply of teeth waiting to come in for when they loose one.

Wouldn't that be awesome!?

Make some creative, abstract

"Tooth Art"

Gums, Molars, Incisors, Canines

(with anything laying around)

What do our teeth do?

Incisors: Tear and Rip food

Canines: Tear and Rip food

Premolars "Bicuspids" : Chew and Grind

Molars: Chew and Grind

How many teeth do you have?

Look in a mirror and count them.

If you have all your "Primary", "Baby", "Milk" teeth,

you should have 20 teeth

As an adult you could have up to 32 teeth.

Did you know the foods you eat

and beverages you drink

play a big roll in the health of your teeth and gums.

Calcium & Magnesium for Teeth and Bones

Chia Seeds

Beans & Lentils


Dark Leafy Greens

Nettle Tea

Red Clover Tea

Vitamin D

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