Earth's Energy
After watching a video on "Earthships" a couple years ago, I have become obsessed with wanting to live "Off Grid".
It is now my dream, and someday it will happen.
for today, I feel like it needs to be introduced to the children, And I am excited to learn LOTS about it.
If the sun's energy can light the world, why are we putting gas in our cars and paying an electric bill. And why do all these wires need to fill the sky and block the view? After growing up in the middle of nowhere, moving to a highly populated area is such an eye opener. It makes you realize how much waste, energy use and LITTER there really is.

With the volcano erupting in Hawaii at the moment, it is a great time to learn about the energy that comes from inside the earth. Can we harness energy from volcanoes???
My 3 year old is not too interested in this material at the moment, but I am!
Soooo I keep talking about it, and reading to him about it. Maybe by the time he is an adult we will be receiving all the energy nature was designed to give us. With no harm done to animals, by flooding their land and tearing it down, or using up the materials that we find and spending a fortune on it.

Did you know you can use POOP for energy. Now this might interest a young boy. (what is their obsession about poop?)
That's right!
Cow poop, people poop, pig poop.
All that manure that is contaminating the ground water, it can be used to power our lights and cook our food. Sounds a little gross, but really it's quite inventive.
This book was an interesting read and it makes you think about how much waste we waste!
And it's a RENEWABLE energy source!!
Renewable energy is a form of energy that does not get used up, including the energy of the sun and wind.
This book has 20 project ideas to create with your child, and has everything you want to know about energy.