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We have been fortunate to find a lot of nature spots and opportunities in the city, one being the Urban Ecology Center. Search online for natural habitat areas and nature centers in your area and hang out there.

We joined in on a dragonfly study group, and it was pretty interesting. It sparked my interest in dragonflies. We got to walk around with nets to catch them and then identify them. And the people were soo welcoming. I can't wait to go again.

We learned that dragonflies spend most of their lives in water. They hatch as little larva and stay under water for a couple years before coming to land to spread their wings and sore. These interesting creatures come out with the sun and are unable to fly when they are cold. They only live on the land for a couple months. But in that time, they do a complete body makeover. They burst out of their skin and leave it behind looking like a ? , it's kind of weird.

They have compound eyes made up of thousands of tiny lenses (like a fly) and can see 360 degrees without turning their head.

Find a place near water, on a sunny day, and catch yourself a dragonfly. Don't forget to let it go.

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