Stay cool this summer with Homemade Fruitcicles!

Fun to make with children, especially at snack time.
Made from wholesome ingredients and made to your liking. Ingredient ideas: Watermelon
coconut water
(ingredients: Coconut, Water)
if you need a sweetener try pure maple syrup or raw honey
Just mush and mix and freeze.
Great for ice cubes to chill and flavor your water!

~~~~~~~~~On that Note~~~~~~~~
Have you ever looked at the ingredients in the pedialyte products? This stuff is marketed to help a child, and yet it is full of ingredients that
make children sick!!!
Other options ....
Coconut water ....
(ingredients: Coconut Water)
How about some homemade soup.
Leave the Blue and red dye with a touch of toxic sweetener at the store.
More recipes...
and articles on the toxins in
Pedialyte and Gatorade.
Which is advised by some DOCTORs to give your sick child.
??????? Say WHAT ??????